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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

"This business found me back in early 2018 and honestly I have not looked back.  Flexibility and portability was key for me in making my decision to start here as I wanted to be able to travel back to Ireland to my family when I decided to but I also wanted the potential for unlimited earnings.
 These days I am happy, content and financially independent."

Karen Murphy

"I was looking for an opportunity to create more time and money whilst working from home, around my life as a dad to a blended family of 5. We longed for greater success and financial freedom. I found success early here, in my first 6 months of business I was profitable and self sustaining. I'm grateful for the opportunity and love what I do. 

Simon Haggard 

+6422 320 3579

+6422 320 3579

+1508 471 4717



Caroline at apply:

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All rights reserved and other such important stuff.

Now Expanding globally

Caroline Perkinson

Hi I'm Caroline. 

South African born + bred, I love the outdoors -  the ocean, the mountains and forests. 

After finishing my law degree many years ago in South Africa, I knew  2 things: I did not want to be a  lawyer and I wanted to travel the world. So I moved to London and paid off my student loan. I also met my daughters Kiwi father, and we spent some time travelling before moving to New Zealand. 

We have lived in Auckland for the last 25 years. I am now a solo mum. My daughter is almost 18, and we live with our  10 year old retra-doodle, Harry. We have built a great life for the 3 of us. We still love to travel and have had many overseas and local holidays.

I am so grateful to be working with like-minded people wanting to live their best lives in the thriving Personal and Leadership Development industry. Thanks to the Internet, this established business model and a supportive community, I have the portability and flexibility to work from anywhere during the hours that suit me, well past retirement age.

To learn more please fill out the form above, and I will be in touch. I look forward to speaking soon, Caroline

This shot was taken Piha North NZ, before the 2023 storms washed away this trail - with my partner and travel buddy  PJ.

My screensaver is my ACTION board, reminding me of where I am going to be; keeping me in action applying myself every day.

Harry is my 10 year old fur baby, who loves being able to spend every second of most days with me working remotely.

Working as the sun rises, loving my life now!

My story… 

Fast forward to 2022>>>I found myself at a crossroad having just turned 50 as a solo mother of  teenager:

Option 1: I could continue to work in corporate sales and stay with the global medical company in NZ.  The company kept moving the goal posts forever changing our targets and KPIs. I had reached the ceiling with my earning potential as a Business Development Manager. I was working longer hours on the road and spending less time with my family.

Option 2: I could find an an online business with the income potential that would give me the time and financial freedom I wanted. Family and close friends live far and wide, in South Africa, United Kingdom, Dubai and Canada. I wanted the means and ability to travel overseas, potentially at short-notice and for extended periods of time.

It was as though the universe intervened when my role was suddenly made redundant end of 2022. I took a month's trip around the South Island of New Zealand in the Summer of 2023 and just knew I wanted more of this lifestyle.  I made the decision to become self-employed and to find a portable, flexible income opportunity that would allow me to do more of these types of trips around the world. This online business found me when I went searching for my next venture. 

I am no longer time-poor with no flexibility. I am building my global online business that has unlimited earning potential with minimal overhead costs - and the portability to work from anywhere. The Personal Development industry I work in continues to experience rapid growth globally despite these challenging times thanks to the internet and the potential reach to clients around the world. 

My earning potential within my first year working for myself is more than double what I was earning in corporate sales. 

Let's first hear from Julie ...

15 yrs in Multi Level Marketing ended in me being disillusioned with the ratio of payback to time invested. I returned to a waged job but felt unfulfilled and hated the restrictions of set hours and being on a limited wage.  I'm very grateful to have found this opportunity. I get to work the hours that suit me and it still astounds me that I've earned more in a single month working this business than I did in a whole year working in a job. I love what I do now with my unique, exciting lifestyle business. It's fun, flexible & hugely rewarding.

"I had missed out on so much with my kids. I didn’t want that for my grandkids. So, I went searching for a better way to live my life. A business that worked around me and not me work around it. What I found was so much more, a business that I not only I love but I get to help others do the same. A personal journey of growth in all areas of my life. Of course, as much time with the grand kids as I wish." 

Rebecca Kirner

Bruce Partridge